Thursday, November 25, 2004

Speed up Acrobat Reader 6 start up

(Acelerar el arranque del Acrobat Reader 6)

The first trick is don't load all plug-ings provided by the Acrobat Reader or third party at the start up.

How to do it?
Go to the folder where the Acrobat is installed, usually "C:\Program Files\Adobe\Acrobat 6.0\Reader".

Take the plug-ins from the plug_ins folder and put them in the optional directory. This way the plug-ins will still work, they just won't be loaded at startup.

Don't move the EWH32.api and Search.api plug-ings. As far as I know they are the integration with the browser and the search API.

The second trick is turn off the Splash screen:
Edit - Preferences - Startup then uncheck the box named Display Splash screen.

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