Friday, November 05, 2004

Force ASP.Net to put the __doPostBack client javascript onto the page

(Forzar a ASP.Net a poner el javascript de cliente __doPostBack en una pagina)

Only two HTML form elements (button and image button) cause form postback. If you have a text box, a link button or a custom control that renders an HTML element that does not cause postback, ASP.Net doesn't write __doPostBack javascript client code.

If you want that asp.Net write the client code there's a simple way, put in your code:
Page.GetPostBackClientEvent(LinkButton1, "")

LinkButton1 is the ID of and link button that I have put in my page

Permalink: Force ASP.Net to put the __doPostBack client javascript onto the page 


At 4:02 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You have done a great job.Kepp it up


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