Thursday, November 25, 2004

Speed up Acrobat Reader 6 start up

(Acelerar el arranque del Acrobat Reader 6)

The first trick is don't load all plug-ings provided by the Acrobat Reader or third party at the start up.

How to do it?
Go to the folder where the Acrobat is installed, usually "C:\Program Files\Adobe\Acrobat 6.0\Reader".

Take the plug-ins from the plug_ins folder and put them in the optional directory. This way the plug-ins will still work, they just won't be loaded at startup.

Don't move the EWH32.api and Search.api plug-ings. As far as I know they are the integration with the browser and the search API.

The second trick is turn off the Splash screen:
Edit - Preferences - Startup then uncheck the box named Display Splash screen.

Permalink: Speed up Acrobat Reader 6 start up 

Monday, November 22, 2004

Gmail RSS based

(El RSS de Gmail)

Here is the atom file for gmail service


Permalink: Gmail RSS based 

Thursday, November 18, 2004

Desktop Google AdSense Statistics Application

(Aplicacion de escritorio para estadisticas de Google AdSense)

I have downloaded and install this application. It lets me have my AdSense statistics at my desktop, with a lot of reports and charts. See screenshots

At first sight, there's a little problem with language. You must close and reopen it if you want to have it in English.

It's a Beta, so...

Permalink: Desktop Google AdSense Statistics Application 

Tuesday, November 16, 2004

RFID: A solution to supermarket queues

(RFID: Una solucion para las colas en los supermercados)

In this article Neil Cowburn(an openNetCF) talks about RFID.

IMHO he forgot to talk about the difficult adoption of this for the people, and the problem of what happens with broken or pulled up!!! tags.

Permalink: RFID: A solution to supermarket queues 

Friday, November 05, 2004

Calling doPostBack from a child window for example a popup

(Ejecutar doPostBack desde una ventana hija como por ejemplo un popup)

In web applications you often open a popup with any data which fill some field in the opener window.

For example if you have a field that could have different data depending on the values that you have selected in other fields, you normally will not want to load this data when the page will be loaded. Instead of this, when you are going to fill this field, you open a popup, given it the values of the other fields, and when you select something into the popup you fill the field in the opener and close the popup.

See an example:

I have a textbox named TextBox1 which going to be filled by a link into a popup created using

In the popup I put the following code:

<a href="#" onclick="window.opener.document.getElementById('TextBox1').value='Filled From Popup';window.opener.__doPostBack('TextBox1','');window.close();">doPostBack and close</a>

When you click in the link you can see that the textbox will be filled with the text Filled From Popup, the doPostBack will be executed, and the popup will be closed.

One reminder: If ASP.Net doesn't create the javascript code for __doPostBack in the opener window, you can force it. See this post

Permalink: Calling doPostBack from a child window for example a popup 

Force ASP.Net to put the __doPostBack client javascript onto the page

(Forzar a ASP.Net a poner el javascript de cliente __doPostBack en una pagina)

Only two HTML form elements (button and image button) cause form postback. If you have a text box, a link button or a custom control that renders an HTML element that does not cause postback, ASP.Net doesn't write __doPostBack javascript client code.

If you want that asp.Net write the client code there's a simple way, put in your code:
Page.GetPostBackClientEvent(LinkButton1, "")

LinkButton1 is the ID of and link button that I have put in my page

Permalink: Force ASP.Net to put the __doPostBack client javascript onto the page 

Thursday, November 04, 2004

SQL Mobile Beta 1 is here

(SQL Mobile Beta 1 esta aqui)

Microsoft SQL Server Mobile Edition (formerly code-named "Laguna"), the next release of SQL Server Windows CE Edition (SQL Server CE), is a mobile database solution designed for developers who target Microsoft Windows mobile-based devices.

New features and enhancements planned for SQL Server Mobile Edition will focus on the following key areas:

- Integration with SQL Server 2005(or 2000), the next release of SQL Server, and Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 (formerly code-named "Whidbey"), the next release of Visual Studio .NET
- Increased reliability and performance
- Faster development of mobile applications
- Column-level tracking:Only the modified columns will be synchronized, not all row
- Row-level locking
-Read more here

SQL Mobile Beta 1 is available with both Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Beta 2 and Microsoft Visual Studio® 2005 Beta 1. Both are only available right now to MSDN Subscribers.

Companies and users of SQL Mobile that plan to synchronize to SQL Server 2000 or SQL Server 2005 Beta 2 databases will need to install Server Tools on their servers running Internet Information Services (IIS).

Permalink: SQL Mobile Beta 1 is here 

Enterprise Mobile Dev point of view from Russell Beattie

(Punto de vista de Russell Beattie sobre los desarrollos moviles empresariales)

As good expert of mobile development Russell Beattie talks about how development tools are more important than the underlying language.

Read the article in his blog

Permalink: Enterprise Mobile Dev point of view from Russell Beattie