Thursday, October 07, 2004

Old bugs in new software

(Viejos agujeros en el nuevo software)

Upss..., it isn't official, but could be a bug in ASP.Net which let users read authorized files through a problem in canonicalization of the URLs.(The article is in

The "Programmatically check for canonicalization issues with ASP.NET" article gives you a explanation and a solution?¿ for this problem, but I post here the code for vb and C#.

Put in the Application_BeginRequest event handler of the Global.asax file.

Visual Basic .NET

<script language="vb" runat="server">
  Sub Application_BeginRequest(Sender as Object, E as EventArgs)
    If (Request.Path.IndexOf(chr(92)) >= 0 OR System.IO.Path.GetFullPath Request.PhysicalPath) <> Request.PhysicalPath) then
      Throw New HttpException(404, "Not Found")
    End If
  End Sub


<script language="C#" runat="server">
  void Application_BeginRequest(object source, EventArgs e){
    if (Request.Path.IndexOf('\\') >= 0 System.IO.Path.GetFullPath(Request.PhysicalPath) != Request.PhysicalPath) {
      throw new HttpException(404, "not found");

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